How To Use The Query Viewer

Use the HIP system to search for and run predefined queries using the Query Viewer. 

A query is a request for data from the HIP system and the Query Viewer is a tool that allows you to easily find predefined queries to review and print.  You can use the data provided to answer simple questions, perform calculations or general audits of time and leave data for your employees. 

There are mandatory queries intended to assist Time and Leave Keepers with their duties of finding and correcting user errors.  These mandatory queries should be run on a recurring basis at specific intervals during the payroll processing cycle. 

Below is a list of mandatory queries to run or click here for a searchable list of available queries with brief descriptions and who should run them.


Query Description When to Run
HIP_TL_APPROVAL_ERRORS Displays all timesheets and/or leave requests submitted by employees that could not find a supervisor for approval within your department security. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED Results will include employee hours worked, broken out by earning begin and end date. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_HRLY_EE Query to identify reported hours for hourly employees NOT approved. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_GROSS_OT_ND_MEAL_REVIEW Review of OT, Night Shift and Meals. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_BY_TRC Query for Payable Time that includes all TRC. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_REG_HRS_NOT_SUBMITTED Displays reported regular hours compared to scheduled hours for hourly and exception hourly employees based on a given check date. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_SAVED_REPORTED_TIME Contact employee to submit time that was only saved on their timesheet. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_TIME_COMMENTS Pulls all employee comments associated to Time & Leave. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_TIME_IN_PROCESS To review time that will load for payroll processing. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_PENDING_LEAVE Displays all employee leave transaction and cancellations that are pending supervisor approval. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_SUPERVISOR_EXCEPTIONS Identifies any outstanding exceptions waiting for resolution. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_SRNA_EM08_EE_OVERTIME Query to identify employees with OT who may not be eligible for OT. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_LWOP_UNRESOLVED_PAYMENTS Identifies employees with outstanding, unresolved LWOP balances. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TM_NOT_APPROVED Identifies employees with Payable Time that needs approval before being paid. Run on Approval Deadline
HIP_TL_HRLY_NOT_APPRV Query to identify reported hours for hourly employees NOT approved. Run on Approval Deadline
HIP_TL_SUPERVISOR_EXCEPTIONS Identifies any outstanding exceptions waiting for resolution. During Payroll Confirmation
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_CHECK_DT Query to identify employee time worked by check date. During Payroll Confirmation
HIP_TL_CMP_TM_CHG_PLAN Identifies mployees who transferred from one bargaining unit to another. Monthly


Query Description When to Run
HIP_TL_APPROVAL_ERRORS Displays all timesheets and/or leave requests submitted by employees that could not find a supervisor for approval within your department security. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_CANCELLED_LEAVE Displays all cancelled leave for a given date range. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_PENDING_LEAVE Displays all employee leave transactions and cancellations that are pending supervisory approval. Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_INCOMPLETE_LEAVES Displays employees with incomplete absence requests. Weekly
HIP_TL_CRNT_DELEGATIONS View the delegate and proxy for current/active delegations. Monthly
HIP_TL_FORECAST_LV_FORFEIT Displays all employees with current period vacation balances and an estimated vacation balance at the end of the calendar year with an estimated forfeiture. Monthly

You can find the Query Viewer screen by navigating through your Time and Labor WorkCenter or NavBar, click here to view a helpful article on the different ways to navigate to your Timekeeper screens. 

View the steps below to learn how to run queries with the Query Viewer. 


1. To search for a query by its name, select the *Search By option “Query Name”.  If you know the query name, enter it in the begins with field and click the “Search” button.  If you don’t know the name of the query you need, enter “HIP_TL” and click the “Search” button.  HIP will provide you a list of all T&L queries you have access to.

2. From the query results, click on one of the following formats (HTML, Excel, XML) to run/view your selected query results.  NOTE: Add queries to your favorites list by clicking on the “Favorite” link under the Add to Favorites column.  After you create a favorite, the My Favorite Queries section will appear along the top of the Query Viewer search screen.  From here you can access your favorite queries without having to search for them each time you want to run them.

3. After finding the query you would like to run and clicking on the link of the format you would view it in, HIP will run the query and provide the results/data in the specified file format you selected.  NOTE: In some cases, HIP will ask you to enter additional search parameters to narrow down query results/data.

Click here to view and download a quick reference guide for using the Query Viewer.


Introduction To T&L Manager Self-Service (MSS) For Time & Leave Keepers   

Security Access For Time/Leave Keepers 

Last Updated: October 13, 2022   

Tags: Query Viewer, Search Query, Run Query, Favorite Query