Available Time and Leave Reports and Queries

The following reports or queries are available to assist HR Staff, Payroll Staff, Fiscal Administrators, Timekeepers, Leave Keepers, and HR Admins with their duties.  How to run queries with Query Viewer access.

Review the Standard Operating Policies and Procedures, section 5.9 “Exception Management and Audits”.

Note: The availability of these reports and queries is based on HIP security access roles.  To make changes to HIP security, an ETS-304 Request Form is required.

Click here to get a copy of the most current HIP query listing in Excel format. This Excel listing will be updated as announcements for new or modified queries are made on this page, so make sure to download the latest version, noted in the Sheet label of the Excel document.

Looking for recent updates to this page, or announcements? Click here.

7/10/2023; HIP_TL_DONATED_LV_ACTIVITY_ALL has been released for HR Admins to replace the old HIP_TL_DONATED_LV_ACTIVITY and HIP_TL_DONATED_LV_RECEIVED queries. The new query will display all activity (donated, received, and manual adjustments) related to your department's leave bank balance to assist in auditing.

HIP_TL_EXT_ABS_NO_ABS_TAKE has been released for HR Admins to assist in auditing of approved extended absences that have no existing absence takes.

5/17/2023: HIP_TL_SAVED_REPORTED_TIME query for Timekeepers has been updated to include enhanced functionality.

4/24/2023: New HIP website query listing in Excel format has been released. This lists all queries that are currently on this page in an easier-to-use format and provides an alternative for users to view current queries. This listing will be updated once announcements for modifications or new queries are made.

3/16/2023: HIP_TL_ALL_ENTERED_LV_BY_DTRNG has been released for Leave Keepers and HR Admins to review all leave entries in HIP for a prompted date range.

3/16/2023: HIP_TL_TERMED_HAS_ABS_BAL has been released for Leave Keepers and HR Admins to assist with reviewing terminated employees with a non-zero sick/sick earn as you go/vacation/received vacation balance for auditing and entering balance adjustments to reduce to zero.

7/6/2022: HIP_TL_EARNED_LEAVE_REV has been released for Leave Keepers and HR Admins to assist with reviewing hours earned for employees in a processing cycle.

6/6/2022: HIP_TL_INCOMPLETE_LEAVES has been released for Leave Keepers to determine employees who may have incomplete absence requests.

4/26/2022: HR Admins may run SOH_ACTIVE_SSO_EE to determine if there are employees who do not have a HIP single sign-on (SSO) email address and contact your IT office to have them repair the employee's Active Directory record so that the employee may use HIP SSO if they have an active State email address.

1/13/2022: HR users may run HIP_TL_USER_SECURITY to determine what Time and Leave security roles have been assigned to employees in their department.

12/21/2021: HR Admins and Leave Keepers may run HIP_TL_YE_VAC_ROLLOVER to determine the results of the year end vacation forfeiture rules.  Run after 2nd pay day in January for complete and accurate results for both pay groups.

12/20/2021: HIP_TL_EE_BAL_BY_PERIOD query has been updated with new WC Sick, WC Vacation, and Vacation Donation Received elements to provide more data points to calculate an employee's leave balances. The query has also been rearranged to better assist users to identify and verify employees' leave balances.

12/03/2021: A number of new queries have been released to various user groups:

  • HIP_LWOP_UNRESOLVED_PAYMENTS was released to Payroll Users and Fiscal Admins. Identifies employees with outstanding LWOP unresolved balances.
  • HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_EE was released to Payroll Users and Fiscal Admins. Displays employee's Payable Time by Date Range.

9/24/2021: HIP_TL_APPROVAL_ERRORS has been released to Timekeepers and Leave Keepers. Identifies employees whose timesheet and/or leave requests did not find a supervisor to route to.

8/19/2021: Name of query "HIP_TL_HRYL_EE" updated on table to read "HIP_TL_HRLY_EE".

8/6/2021 (2): HIP_TL_PENDING_LEAVE was released to Leave Keepers. Displays all employee leave transactions and cancellations that are pending supervisory approval to allow Leave Keepers to follow-up with displayed supervisors to take action.

8/6/2021: A number of new queries have been released to various user groups:

  • HIP_TL_TIME_90_DAYS_PRIOR was released to HR and Timekeepers. Displays any reported time prior to 90 days of the current date.
  • HIP_TL_TERM_SHARED_LV_RCVD was released to HR Admins. Displays any terminated employees with leave balances that have also received Donated Leave.
  • HIP_TL_CANCELLED_LEAVE was released to Leavekeepers, HR Admins, and Payroll/Fiscal Admins. Displays all cancelled leave for a given date range.
  • HIP_TL_REG_HRS_NOT_SUBMITTED was released to Timekeepers. Displays reported regular hours compared to scheduled hours for Hourly and Exception Hourly employees based on a given check date.
  • HIP_TL_CMP_TM_CHG_PLAN was released to Timekeepers. Displays employees who transferred from one bargaining unit to a bargaining unit of a different union to assist in transition of old comp time hours into the new comp time plan.
  • HIP_TL_DONATED_LV_ACTIVITY was released to HR Admins. Displays all leave donation and leave received activity with associated comments.
  • HIP_TL_DONATED_LV_RECEIVED was released to HR Admins. Displays an employee's lifetime received leave received.
  • HIP_TL_ALL_TIME_BY_DT_RNG was released to Timekeepers. Displays all available Payable Time with UAC information and associated comments to assist in auditing.
  • HIP_TL_FORECAST_LV_FORFEIT was released to HR and Leave Keepers. Displays all employees with current period vacation balances and an estimated vacation balance at the end of the calendar year with estimated vacation forfeiture.

7/26/2021: The ETS-304 security form has been updated for the final deployment of Time and Leave.

7/12/2021: HIP_TL_LWOP_IN_ABM_LST_PAYROLL was released to HR and Leave Keepers.  Reports employee LWOP by last pay date  in Absence Management.  View data to assist with Service Dates, as applicable.

6/18/2021: HIP_TL_EXT_LEAVE_NO_PAY was released as a mandatory query to Payroll/Fiscal Admins to identify employees on WC or TDI where their salary will be turned off and to assist with WC/TDI business process; when you see an employee on this query they will not be paid their semi-monthly salary due to being on extended leave.

6/1/2021: HIP_TL_SUPERVISOR_EXCEPTIONS was released to timekeepers as a mandatory audit, per user request

5/28/2021: HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_CHECK_DT was released to Payroll Users, Timekeepers and HR; can be used to verify hours worked for general audit purposes or for FMLA purposes

5/21/2021: HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_REV_UAC was released to Payroll Users to review all approved time;  provides estimate gross amount per earnings; can be used to help with encumbering FY expenses

4/28/2021: HIP_TL_GRS_OT_ND_MEAL_REV_UAC was released to Payroll/Fiscal Admins to review Overtime, Night Differential, and Meals with estimated gross with the associated UAC for a given paycheck issue date.

4/22/2021: HIP_TL_TIME_TAKEN_BY_PAYEND was released to Timekeepers and Payroll/Fiscal Admins to review time taken by Payroll and processed by pay end date.

3/31/201: HIP_TL_HRLY_NOT_APPRV was released to Timekeepers and Payroll/Fiscal Admins to review hourly employee time that has NOT been approved by supervisors and follow up with supervisors by approval deadline day.  (Mandatory audit.)

3/31/2021: HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_CHECK_DT was released to Timekeepers, HR Admins, and Payroll/Fiscal Admins to review the pay details after approval deadline passes.

3/17/2021: HIP_TL_BASE_PAY_JED was released to Payroll/Fiscal Admins to review the UAC set up for base pay on Job Earnings Distribution in Job Data.

2/20/2021: HIP_TL_FTE_PCT_VS_STD_HRS was released to HR to detect mismatches in standard hours and FTE so updates to employment records can be made. (Mandatory audit.)

1/28/2021: HIP_TL_G2_INFO was released to HR and HR Admins.

1/20/2021: HIP_TL_EE_BAL_BY_PERIOD was released to HR, Leave Keepers, and Timekeepers.

1/11/2021: HIP_TL_SCHEDULES_7DAY_ELAPSED was released to HR, Leave Keepers, and Timekeepers.

1/4/2021: HIP_TL_MGR_NO_RLS_FOR_DR was released to HR and HR Admins.

12/24/2020: HIP_TL_GREATER_THAN_300_VAC and HIP_TL_GREATER_THAN_600_VAC now includes Absence Pay Group.

12/24/2020: HIP_TL_EE_APPRVD_LV_DTRNG was released to HR Admins and Leave Keepers.

9/23/2020: HIP_TL_TIME_IN_PROCESS was released to Timekeepers and Payroll Users/Fiscal Admins.

9/18/2020: HIP_TL_OT_HOURS was released to Timekeepers.

9/10/2020: HIP_TL_SELF_APPROVED was released to HR Admins and Payroll Users/Fiscal Admins.

Query/Report NameFunctionDescription/InstructionsHIP Security RolePromptsMandatory or Optional?Action RequiredMinimum Frequency, If Mandatory
HIP_TL_USER_SECURITYLists users that have access to T&L security rolesWill generate results based on the Dept ID security person running the query hasHROptionalReview if there are questions about what roles employees have
HIP_TL_COMP_BAL_BY_EECompensatory Time Balance for All EECompensatory Time Balance. Run as of Current Date & List Comp Time balances for all Employees based on RLS.HROptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_COMP_BAL_BY_EE_ORG_CODEUsed to display compensatory time balances for employees. This version of the query includes the 10-digit organization code used in Position Management.Compensatory Time BalanceHRN/AOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_DEPT_ACT_EE_EXTRACTIdentifies Active employees in a department ID and all accompanying divisions within user's RLS.HRSet ID (Company); Tree Node (Dept ID)OptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_FORECAST_LV_FORFEITDisplays all employees with current period vacation balances and an estimated vacation balance at the end of the calendar year with estimated vacation forfeiture. HRMandatoryIntended to help Leave Keepers and HR with auditing of vacation usage to provide timely notification to affected employees who may potentially forfeit vacation at the end of the year.Monthly
HIP_TL_FTE_PCT_VS_STD_HRSCompares the standard hours and FTE entered into HIP to detect mismatchesHRMandatoryReview relevant employment records to match sure standard hours and FTE matchMonthly
HIP_TL_FTE_UNDER_1_NOT_APPLIEDActive EE with FTE<1 and apply FTE not appliedHRMandatoryOn Job Compensation under pay components and Conversion click Apply FTEBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_G2_INFOEmployees Leave balances to be used complete G2If Abs Prd Finalized = N, wait until absence period is finalized and value will change to YHREmplID, EmplRcd, Term Date OptionalIntended to be used to complete the State G2 form
HIP_TL_GREATER_THAN_300_VACEmployees with 300 hours or greater of vacationHROptionalReview with employee to take any vacation needed to keep below 336
HIP_TL_GREATER_THAN_600_VACEmployees with 600 hours or greater of vacationHROptionalReview with employee to take any vacation needed to avoid losing at end of year
HIP_TL_GROUP_1_EE_EMP_TYPE_EQuery to identify anyone set up as Empl Type E in deployment group 1HRMandatoryChange employee type to "S" for SalariedMonthly
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_CHECK_DTQuery to identify an EEs time worked by check dateResults will include employee hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end dateHRBy Check DateMandatoryReview hours worked to determine if employee is eligible for FMLAPreliminary results - after Supervisor Approval Day and during HR Lock Out days; Final Results - Timesheet Open Day
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_PAY_END_DTQuery to identify an EEs time workedResults will include employee hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end dateHRPay Period End DateOptionalReview hours worked to determine if employee is eligible for FMLA
HIP_TL_LESS_THAN_40_SCK_VACEmployee with less than 40 hours sick or vacationHROptionalNotify supervisor of employees with low balance
HIP_TL_LV_BAL_BY_EELeave Balances by EE at Month End AccrualsMonthly report of leave balances by Employee, sick, vacation, comp after accruals are run. Run Month End Totals after Accruals.HROptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_LWOP_IN_ABM_LST_PAYROLLEmployee LWOP by last pay date in Absence ManagementHROptionalView to assist with Service Dates if applicable
HIP_TL_LWOP_IN_ABS_MGMTEmployee LWOP in Absence ManagementHR can view to update Service Date if applicableHROptionalIntended to help HR process in adjustment to employee Service date etc.
HIP_TL_MGR_NO_RLS_FOR_DRIdentify Report-To supervisors who have subordinates in higher or lateral department IDsHRMandatoryEvaluate and determine if supervisor needs to request security change via ETS-304 form to see a higher-level department ID that includes their subordinatesQuarterly
HIP_TL_MISSING_REPORTS_TOEmployee Missing a Reports to SupervisorHRMandatoryApprovals will go to error. Update employee record with supervisor position numberMonthly
HIP_TL_NO_BASE_JEDMissing Base Pay Job Earns Dist for TL EEJob Earnings Distribution without account code for base on TL enrolled EE. Run as of Current Date for all EE based on RLS.HRMandatoryAdd a UAC (Combo code) to employees Base pay earn code on Job record in Job Earnings DistributionBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_UAC_NON_BASE_DISTRBUTNReview set up of employees who have non-base UACs listed on Job Earnings Distribution.Non-base - JEDHROptionalIf the distribution is incorrect, update the JED.
HIP_TL_REPORTS_TO_CIRCULAR_REFIdentify people who report to each other to fix "circular" Reports-To data in Job or Position HRMandatoryChange Reports To on employee Job recordMonthly
HIP_TL_REPORTS_TO_VACANTEmployee Reporting to Vacant PositionHRMandatoryApproval will route to next in line, if employee is TA in the vacation position, update employee job record reports to Monthly
HIP_TL_SCHEDULES_7DAY_ELAPSEDList of all of the available EE 7 day schedules in HIPHROptionalIntended to help with Employee Scheduling; use before requesting a new schedule
HIP_TL_TERMED_HAS_COMP_BALQuery to identify terminated employees with compensatory time balanceHRMandatoryReview balance and provide payroll with hours to payout and adjust balanceWhen processing a termination
HIP_TL_TIME_90_DAYS_PRIORDisplays any reported time prior to 90 days of the current date.HROptionalIntended to help Timekeepers display all older time reported to ensure accuracy.
HIP_TL_VALIDATE_JOB_ERNDISTEmployees missing UAC for Base pay on Job DataHRMandatoryAdd a UAC (Combo code) to employees Base pay earn code on Job record in Job Earnings DistributionBefore Timesheet Deadline
SOH_ACTIVE_SSO_EEListing of all active employees in department with or without active single-sign on to HIP (SSO)HR AdminOptionalUse the list to spot employees who are missing an SSO email and contact your IT office to fix their Active Directory record
HIP_TL_ALL_ENTERED_LV_BY_DTRNGReview all leave entries in a given date range.Lists all leave entries existing in system based for any status per date range chosen for all employees user has access to.HR AdminFrom Begin Date; To Begin DateOptional
HIP_TL_CANCELLED_LEAVEDisplays all cancelled leave for a given date range.HR AdminDate RangeMandatoryEnsure the accuracy of all listed cancelled absences and follow-up with the user if revisions are necessary.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_CRNT_DELEGATIONSCurrent delegations (Delegate and Receiver)HR AdminMandatoryDelegation request needs to be granted to someone up the chain of command. If not, work with Supervisor to re-work request.Monthly
HIP_TL_DETAIL_HRS_WORKEDDisplays employee's payroll data to calculate hours worked for accrual purposes.Results will determine employee hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end dateHR AdminEmpl ID; From Earnings Begin Date; To Earnings End DateOptionalReview for any inaccurate time reported. If hours worked are incorrect, enter manual adjustment as necessary
HIP_TL_DONATED_LV_ACTIVITY_ALLDisplays all leave donation and leave received activity with associated comments and manual adjustments to department leave bank balance.HR AdminOptionalIntended to help HR Admins with auditing of their leave share program and ensure accuracy of their leave bank balance.
HIP_TL_EE_APPRVD_LV_DTRNGApproved leave for all EE by Date RangeQuery to view a list of approved leaves for all employees for a given date rangeHR AdminOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_EE_APPRVD_LV_DTRNG_EEApproved leave for a single employee for a given date range.HR AdminFrom Date; To Date: Empl IDOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_EE_BAL_BY_PERIODEmployee Vacation, Sick and Comp Time balances by pay period HR AdminEmpl ID, Emp Record, From Date, To DateOptional To assist with tracking leave by period
HIP_TL_EXT_ABS_NO_ABS_TAKEEmployees on approved extended absence and do not have any absence takes during the extended absence time.HR Admin to evaluate if absence takes are needed for the appropriate extended absence during a prompted date range.HR AdminFrom Date; To DateOptionalTo assist with auditing of extended absence requests.
HIP_TL_EXT_ABS_NON_EA_ABS_TAKEEmployees on approved extended absence and have a absence take during the extended absence timeHR Admin to evaluate if absence take is for extended absenceHR AdminMandatorySpecific leave takes need to be granted to employee while on extended absences. Review to ensure this.Weekly
HIP_TL_EXT_ABS_PENDING_APPRVLExtended Absences Pending ApprovalHR AdminOptionalReview any employee on a Extended Absence that still needs approval
HIP_TL_G2_INFOEmployees Leave balances to be used complete G2If Abs Prd Finalized = N, wait until absence period is finalized and value will change to YHR AdminEmplID, EmplRcd, Term Date OptionalIntended to be used to complete the State G2 form
HIP_TL_HFLL_FMLA_COMPTIME_TKIdentifies Take FMLA/HFLL Comp Time for a given date range for an employee. Useful in creating whole picture of an employee's leave usage while out on FMLA or HFLL.HR AdminEmpl ID; From Reported Date; To Reported DateOptionalIf dates or hours of Comp Time reported are incorrect, work with Timekeeper to correct.
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKEDQuery to help determine hours worked to be eligible for FMLAResults will determine employee hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end dateHR AdminOptionalReview hours worked to determine if employee is eligible for FMLA
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_RECLASSView what was paid in the period(s) that need to be reclassified for Workers' Comp purposes.HR AdminEmpl ID; Pay Begin Date; Pay End DateOptionalWork with Department Payroll to ensure proper reclassification of earnings in to Workers' Comp.
HIP_TL_LEAVE_REVIEWIdentifies employees who have the chosen leave entered for a given date range. Useful in reviewing a particular type of leave (e.g. Sick/Vacation) for employees within your RLS.HR AdminElement Name; From Date; To DateOptionalReview results for accuracy. If any leave is incorrect, make necessary adjustments to correct the leave.
HIP_TL_MGR_NO_RLS_FOR_DRIdentify Report-To supervisors who have subordinates in higher or lateral department IDsHR AdminOptionalEvaluate and determine if supervisor needs to request security change via ETS-304 form to see a higher-level department ID that includes their subordinatesQuarterly
HIP_TL_SELF_APPROVEDProxy that has approved their own Time or LeaveDelegations must be to an individual that is higher in the organization to prevent self-approvals
HR AdminMandatoryFollow up with Delegator and Proxy; delegation must be changed to go higher up the org treeMonthly
HIP_TL_TERM_SHARED_LV_RCVDDisplays any terminated employees with leave balances that have also received Donated Leave.To be run after employee termination has been entered and absence balances are finalized.HR AdminOptionalEnsure that applicable leave balances have been paid and zeroed out.
HIP_TL_TERMED_HAS_ABS_BALDisplays terminated employees with a non-zero Sick/Vacation/Sick Earn as You Go/Received Vacation balance.HR AdminMandatoryAnalyze employees listed on query for appropriate payout. If paid out, enter balance adjustment to zero out all balances.Monthly
HIP_TL_YE_VAC_ROLLOVERQuery to identify EE vacation hour forfeitures To be run after the second payroll in January to capture results from the prior yearHR AdminMandatoryUse to communicate to employees who will forfeit vacation hours due to capsAfter 2nd pay day in January
HIP_TL_EARNED_LEAVE_REVLists hours earned and adjusted for all employees in a processing periodData displayed is similar to what is displayed on the Results by Calendar Group page. A Calendar Group allows system to process different paygroup calendars in the same processing cycle. For example, the 2022 07 01 SM Calendar Group is the first semi-monthly check for July 2022 and covers the LAG calendar period of 06/16/22-6/30/22 (Calendar ID LAG 2022S12) and the ATF calendar period of 6/1/22-6/15/22 (Calendar ID ATF 2022S11). HR AdminCalendar Group ID.
For example, selecting 2022 07 01 SM will provide results for the LAG June 2022 hours earned in addition to prior period data that may have reprocessed.
OptionalIf issue exists, coordinate to create a HIP ticket or process leave adjustment if necessary.
HIP_TL_ALL_ENTERED_LV_BY_DTRNGReview all leave entries in a given date range.Lists all leave entries existing in system based for any status per date range chosen for all employees user has access to.Leave KeeperFrom Begin Date; To Begin DateOptional
HIP_TL_APPROVAL_ERRORSDisplays all timesheets and/or leave requests submitted by employees that could not find a supervisor for approval within your department security.Leave KeeperMandatoryContact HR office for any employees identified on the query to identify who the employee's supervisor should be and notify them to create a HIP ticket to have the transactions rerouted.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_CANCELLED_LEAVEDisplays all cancelled leave for a given date range.Leave KeeperDate RangeMandatoryEnsure the accuracy of all listed cancelled absences and follow-up with the user if revisions are necessary.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_CRNT_DELEGATIONSCurrent delegations (Delegate and Receiver)Leave KeeperMandatoryDelegation request needs to be granted to someone up the chain of command. If not, work with Supervisor to re-work request.Monthly
HIP_TL_EE_APPRVD_LV_BY_DAYApproved Leave for All EE by DayQuery to view a list of approved leaves for all employees by day. Run for single day.Leave KeeperOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_EE_APPRVD_LV_DTRNGApproved leave for all EE by Date RangeQuery to view a list of approved leaves for all employees for a given date rangeLeave KeeperOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_EE_APPRVD_LV_DTRNG_EEApproved leave for a single employee for a given date range.Leave KeeperFrom Date; To Date: Empl IDOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_EE_APRVL_WRKFLW_BY_EEIdentify an employee's supervisor that the approval workflow will route to.Leave KeeperEmpl IDOptionalIf workflow supervisor is incorrect, work with HR to make changes.
HIP_TL_EE_APRVL_WRKFLW_ROUTINGIdentify an EEs supervisor that the approval workflow will route toLeave KeeperOptionalFor questions that come up on where approvals are routing to, work with HR to make any changes
HIP_TL_EE_BAL_BY_PERIODEmployee Vacation, Sick and Comp Time balances by pay period Leave KeeperEmpl ID, Emp Record, From Date, To DateOptionalTo assist with tracking leave by period
HIP_TL_FORECAST_LV_FORFEITDisplays all employees with current period vacation balances and an estimated vacation balance at the end of the calendar year with estimated vacation forfeiture. Leave KeeperMandatoryIntended to help Leave Keepers and HR with auditing of vacation usage to provide timely notification to affected employees who may potentially forfeit vacation at the end of the year.Monthly
HIP_TL_GREATER_THAN_300_VACEmployees with 300 hours or greater of vacationLeave KeeperOptionalReview with employee to take any vacation needed to keep below 336
HIP_TL_GREATER_THAN_600_VACEmployees with 600 hours or greater of vacationLeave KeeperOptionalReview with employee to take any vacation needed to avoid losing at end of year
HIP_TL_HFLL_FMLA_COMPTIME_TKIdentifies Take FMLA/HFLL Comp Time for a given date range for an employee. Useful in creating whole picture of an employee's leave usage while out on FMLA or HFLL.Leave KeeperEmpl ID; From Reported Date; To Reported DateOptionalIf dates or hours of Comp Time reported are incorrect, work with Timekeeper to correct.
HIP_TL_INCOMPLETE_LEAVESLists employees with incomplete absence requests.Leave KeeperMandatoryAction Required: If employee is on query, contact your HR office to submit a Salesforce ticket (category: Time and Leave) so that Absence Event can be deleted for resubmission.Weekly
HIP_TL_LEAVE_REVIEWIdentifies employees who have the chosen leave entered for a given date range. Useful in reviewing a particular type of leave (e.g. Sick/Vacation) for employees within your RLS.Leave KeeperElement Name; From Date; To DateOptionalReview results for accuracy. If any leave is incorrect, make necessary adjustments to correct the leave.
HIP_TL_LESS_THAN_40_SCK_VACEmployee with less than 40 hours sick or vacationLeave KeeperOptionalNotify supervisor of employees on low balances
HIP_TL_LV_BAL_BY_EELeave Balances by EE at Month End AccrualsMonthly report of leave balances by Employee, sick, vacation, comp after accruals are run. Run Month End Totals after Accruals.Leave KeeperOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_LWOP_IN_ABM_LST_PAYROLLEmployee LWOP by last pay date in Absence ManagementLeave KeeperOptionalView to assist with Service Dates if applicable
HIP_TL_LWOP_IN_ABS_MGMTEmployee LWOP in Absence ManagementHR can view to update Service Date if applicableLeave KeeperOptionalIntended to help HR process in adjustment to employee Service date etc.
HIP_TL_PENDING_LEAVEDisplays all employee leave transactions and cancellations that are pending supervisory approval.The Approval Process column includes a few transactions:
- Absence Mngmt Cancellation: Leave request cancellation
- Absence Mngmt Requests: Requests submitted through Employee Self Service
- Administrator RouteTo: Requests submitted by the Leave Keeper on the Create & Maintain Absences page
Leave KeeperMandatoryHelps Leave Keepers follow-up with their department supervisors to take action on their employees' pending leave requests.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_SCHEDULES_7DAY_ELAPSEDList of all of the available EE 7 day schedules in HIPLeave KeeperOptionalIntended to help with Employee Scheduling; use before requesting a new schedule
HIP_TL_TERMED_HAS_ABS_BALDisplays terminated employees with a non-zero Sick/Vacation/Sick Earn as You Go/Received Vacation balance.Leave KeeperMandatoryWork with HR Admin to zero out employee balances.Monthly
HIP_TL_YE_VAC_ROLLOVERQuery to identify EE vacation hour forfeitures To be run after the second payroll in January to capture results from the prior yearLeave KeeperOptionalUse to communicate to employees who will forfeit vacation hours due to capsAfter 2nd pay day in January
HIP_TL_EARNED_LEAVE_REVLists hours earned and adjusted for all employees in a processing periodData displayed is similar to what is displayed on the Results by Calendar Group page. A Calendar Group allows system to process different paygroup calendars in the same processing cycle. For example, the 2022 07 01 SM Calendar Group is the first semi-monthly check for July 2022 and covers the LAG calendar period of 06/16/22-6/30/22 (Calendar ID LAG 2022S12) and the ATF calendar period of 6/1/22-6/15/22 (Calendar ID ATF 2022S11). LeavekeeperCalendar Group ID.
For example, selecting 2022 07 01 SM will provide results for the LAG June 2022 hours earned in addition to prior period data that may have reprocessed.
OptionalIf issue exists, coordinate to create a HIP ticket or process leave adjustment if necessary.
HIP_LWOP_UNRESOLVED_PAYMENTSIdentifies employees with outstanding LWOP unresolved balancesActn Rqrd: Outstand LWOP TransPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryAudit timesheet and pay data to validate unresolved balance and either recover overpayment, reimburse underpayment, or adjust balanceBefore Timesheet Deadline and After Payroll Confirmation
HIP_TL_BASE_PAY_JEDTo review the UAC set up for base pay on Job Earnings Distribution in Job dataBase Pay - JEDPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsOptionalIf the distribution is incorrect, work with HR to make the updates
HIP_TL_CANCELLED_LEAVEDisplays all cancelled leave for a given date range.Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminsDate RangeMandatoryEnsure the accuracy of all listed cancelled absences and follow-up with the user if revisions are necessary.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_EE_APPRVD_LV_BY_DAYApproved leave for all employees by dayQuery to view a list of approved leaves for all employees by day, run for a single dayPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_EE_PAYROLL_NUMAll active employees and their payroll numberPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsOptionalFor any audit purpose
HIP_TL_EXT_LEAVE_NO_PAYTo identify employees on WC or TDI where their salary will be turned off and to assist with WC/TDI Business Process When you see an employee on this query they will not be paid their Semi-Monthly Salary due to being on Extended Leave Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminsCheck DateMandatoryReview each period before completing any WC or TDI payments Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_GROSS_OT_ND_MEAL_REVIEWNumber of hours of OT, Night Shift, Meals and estimate of hourly rate and estimated grossUse for review of OT, Night Shift, MealsPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsChoose 12/31/9999 to show anything needing approval/needs approval or choose a valid pay day after payroll is complete to see final payment to employeeMandatoryReview Hours on employee Timesheet and advise Timekeeper/Employee of any corrections neededBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_GRS_OT_ND_MEAL_REV_UACNumber of hours of OT, Night Shift, Meals and estimate of hourly rate and estimated gross with associated UACPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsPaycheck DateMandatoryReview Hours on employee Timesheet and advise Timekeeper/Employee of any corrections neededBefore Payroll Confirmation
HIP_TL_HRLY_EEReported hours for hourly employeesPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if requiredBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_HRLY_NOT_APPRVQuery to identify reported hours for houly employees NOT approvedPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryContact Supervisor to review and approve hours worked Before Approval Deadline Day
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_CHECK_DTQuery to identify and EEs time worked by check dateResults will include employee hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end datePayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview for accuracy. Combo Code from Timesheets is different from Combo Code on Job Data on Job Earnings DistributionPreliminary results - after Supervisor Approval Day and during HR Lock Out days; Final Results - Timesheet Open Day
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_PAY_END_DTQuery to identify an EEs time workedResults will include employee hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end datePayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsPay Period End DateOptionalReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if required
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_RECLASSView what was paid in the period(s) that need to be reclassified for Workers' Comp purposes.Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminEmpl ID; Pay Begin Date; Pay End DateOptionalView results and sum results to utilize RNG to reclassify pay for Workers' Comp purposes.
HIP_TL_UAC_NON_BASE_DISTRBUTNReview set up of employees who have non-base UACs listed on Job Earnings Distribution.Non-base - JEDPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminOptionalIf the distribution is incorrect, update the JED.
HIP_TL_OK_TO_PAY_TURNED_OFFOK_TO_PAY Turned OffTo be run after pay sheets created to verify WC/TDI. Run for Pay Run ID.Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview and identify employees that have their Base pay turned offDay after approval deadline
HIP_TL_PAY_COMPARE_DEPTTurn around total for department, gross amounts, current pay period versus last pay periodPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview department totals After noon on the day after approval deadline
HIP_TL_PAY_COMPARE_EETurn around total for payroll - employee gross amounts, current pay period versus last pay periodPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview check totals After noon on the day after approval deadline
HIP_TL_PAY_UAC_NO_MATCH_JEDPay Other Earns from TL, Account does not match Job Earns DistQuery when Combo Code on Pay Other Earnings Source from T&L does not match Combo Code entered in custom Job Earnings DistributionPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview for accuracy. Combo Code from Timesheets is different from Combo Code on Job Data on Job Earnings DistributionBefore Approval Deadline
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_BY_TRCQuery for payable time that includes all TRC codesPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsTime Reporting Code (TRC) and Date RangeMandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if requiredBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_EEEmployee Payable Time by Date RangeExtract employee timesheet payable time data to help facilitate researchPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsEmployee ID, From Reported Date, To Reported DateOptionalUse to supplement research for timesheet audits and LWOP unresolved balances
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_REV_UACReview UAC per earning from TL by PaycheckUsed to review all approved time and provides estimated gross amounts per earnings. Can be used to help with encumbering FY expenses. Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminsChoose 12/31/9999 for to query any Approved time that will be paid on the next pay date, or choose a specific check date to see what was Taken by Payroll and paid on that specific check date OptionalResults will help with understanding what earnings will be associated to a UAC
HIP_TL_SELF_APPROVEDProxy that has approved their own Time or LeaveDelegations must be to an individual that is higher in the organization to prevent self-approvals
Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminsOptionalDelegation request needs to be granted up the chain of command. If not work with Supervisor to re work request.
HIP_TL_TIME_COMMENTSPulls all EE comments associated to Time and LeavePayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryEnsure time requested is compliant with Collective Bargaining Unit Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_TIME_IN_PROCESSTo review time that will load for payroll processingApproved and Estimated TimePayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if requiredBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_TIME_TAKEN_BY_PAYENDTo review the time Taken by Payroll and processed by pay end dateTime Taken in Specific Pay PeriodPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsID and Pay End Date. Note, as example, to see what time was taken during 4/20/21 check processing, for ATF employee use 03/31/21 and for LAG employee use 04/15/21 as the pay end date.OptionalAny time audit purposesDay after approval deadline
M_PY_EARNS_BY_EE_UAC_BY_EFFDTListing of pay processed through payroll. Shows full listing of employees on Payroll number user has access to.Earnings by EE, UAC and Name Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminsPaycheck Date and CompanyMandatoryReview for what was processed through payrollAfter pay statements available
M_PY_PAY_EARN_DIST_BY_APPROPListing of pay processed through payroll by specific appropriationPR Earn Dist w/UAC by Appropriation Payroll Users and Fiscal AdminsCheck Date, Fund, Fiscal Year, Appropriation, DepartmentMandatoryReview for what was processed through payroll in certain Fund, Fiscal Year, Appropriation and DepartmentAfter pay statements available
PY_ADDL_PAY_LISTING_UACListing of Additional Pay Entries scheduled to be processedPayroll Users and Fiscal AdminsMandatoryReview for any inaccuraciesBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_ALL_TIME_BY_DT_RNGDisplays all available Payable Time with UAC information and associated comments to assist in auditing.TimekeeperDate RangeOptionalIntended to help Timekeepers with auditing of all payable time data for UAC tracking and payment purposes.
HIP_TL_APPROVAL_ERRORSDisplays all timesheets and/or leave requests submitted by employees that could not find a supervisor for approval within your department security.TimekeeperMandatoryContact HR office for any employees identified on the query to identify who the employee's supervisor should be and notify them to create a HIP ticket to have the transactions rerouted.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_CMP_TM_CHG_PLANEmployees who transferred from one bargaining unit to a bargaining unit of a different union.TimekeeperMandatoryEnsure that Comp Time balances prior to the employee's transferred are entered into the employee's new Comp Time buckets.
Please refer to the Timekeeper page for a guide on how to transfer an employee's comp time balances between comp time programs.
HIP_TL_COMP_BAL_BY_EECompensatory Time Balance for All EECompensatory Time Balance. Run as of Current Date & List Comp Time balances for all Employees based on RLS.TimekeeperOptionalTo assist with Department reporting
HIP_TL_CRNT_DELEGATIONSCurrent delegations (Delegate and Receiver)TimekeeperMandatoryDelegation request needs to be granted to someone up the chain of command. If not, work with Supervisor to re-work request.Monthly
HIP_TL_EE_APRVL_WRKFLW_ROUTINGIdentify an EEs supervisor that the approval workflow will route toTimekeeperOptionalIf routing to wrong supervisor work with HR to change reports to
HIP_TL_EE_APRVL_WRKFLW_BY_EEIdentify an employee's supervisor that the approval workflow will route to.TimekeeperEmpl IDOptionalIf workflow supervisor is incorrect, work with HR to make changes.
HIP_TL_EE_BAL_BY_PERIODEmployee Vacation, Sick and Comp Time balances by pay period TimekeeperEmpl ID, Emp Record, From Date, To DateOptionalTo assist with tracking leave by period
HIP_TL_HRLY_NOT_APPRVQuery to identify reported hours for houly employees NOT approvedTimekeeperMandatoryContact Supervisor to review and approve hours worked Before Approval Deadline Day
HIP_TL_HRS_OT_ND_MEAL_REVIEWNumber of hours of OT, Night Shift, MealsUse for review of OT, Night Shift, MealsTimekeeperChoose 12/31/9999 to show anything needing approval/needs approval or choose a valid pay day after payroll is complete to see final payment to employeeMandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if requiredBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKEDQuery to identify an EEs time workedResults will include employee hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end dateTimekeeperMandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if requiredBefore and After Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_HRS_WORKED_PAY_END_DTQuery to identify an EEs time workedResults will include all employees hours worked, broken out by earnings begin and end dateTimekeeperPay Period End DateOptionalReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if required
HIP_TL_LABOR_REPORTINGTo review labor reporting data on employee timesheetOnly applies to DBEDT-HHFDC, DLNR, DOD-HIEMA, DHS-IT, and StadiumTimekeeperOptionalUsed for internal department purposes to report time worked; info does not flow to payroll
HIP_TL_LV_BAL_BY_EELeave Balances by EE at Month End AccrualsMonthly report of leave balances by Employee, sick, vacation, comp after accruals are run. Run Month End Totals after accruals.TimekeeperOptionalTo assist with Department reporting
HIP_TL_OT_HRSDetail and status of employees' reported overtime hours in a time rangeTimekeeperOptionalReview for any inaccurate time reported, or act on the status if not approved
HIP_TL_OT_HRS_BY_DTRNGDetail and status of employees' reported overtime hours in a time range.TimekeeperFrom Date; To Date; OT Hrs ThresholdOptionalReview for any inaccurate time reported, or act on the status if not approved.
HIP_TL_OT_NO_MEALSOvertime Reported on TS and no meals reportedShows employees that have overtime reported on timesheet but no meals are inputtedTimekeeperMandatoryContact employee/supervisor to input meals, or input meals on employee behalfBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_BY_TRCQuery for payable time that includes all TRC codesTimekeeperTime Reporting Code (TRC) and Date RangeMandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if requiredBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TIME_REV_UAC2Used to review all approved time by UAC. Can be used to review time to assist with Fiscal reporting for encumbering FY expenses.TimekeeperPay Date; or Choose 12/31/9999 to query any approved time that will be paid on the next pay date.OptionalResults will help with understanding what earnings with be associated with a specific UAC.
HIP_TL_PAYABLE_TM_NOT_APPROVEDIdentify any employees with payable time that needs approval to be paidTimekeeperMandatoryContact supervisor to approve timeBefore Approval Deadline
HIP_TL_REG_HRS_NOT_SUBMITTEDDisplays reported regular hours compared to scheduled hours for Hourly and Exception Hourly employees based on a given check date.TimekeeperCheck DateMandatoryEnsure that all listed employees report their regular hours for payment.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_SAVED_REPORTED_TIME Identifies time that was saved by the employee but not submitted for approvalThe query will list all saved time not submitted that exists prior to the date chosen. The word "transferred" in the transferred column shows if the EE is currently in a different department. Review results and determine if time should be paid. Discuss with Employee or Supervisor, as necessary. TimekeeperRpt Dt Not Greater ThanMandatoryContact employee to submit timesheet with appropriate combination code if payment required or delete and submit if entry was an error.

For transferred employees, contact the EE current department, or seek assistance to create a ticket to help resolve.
Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_SCHEDULES_7DAY_ELAPSEDList of all of the available EE 7 day schedules in HIPWhen submitting a schedule interface file to HIP, check to ensure you have the right schedule IDsTimekeeperOptionalIntended to help with Employee Scheduling; use before requesting a new schedule
HIP_TL_SRNA_EM08_EE_OVERTIMEQuery to identify EE with Overtime who may not be eligible for OT. Query pulls OT for employees in
Salary Plan SRNA and EM08, not limited to BU13 (but identified in BU13 CBA) and HI_GRADEs SR31, SC01, SC02, SC03, ES01, ES02 or ES03.
Includes Position FLSA status as referenceTimekeeperMandatoryContact employee/supervisor to remove OT or remove OT on timesheet on employee's behalf, if necessaryBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_SUPERVISOR_EXCEPTIONSIdentifies any outstanding exceptions waiting for resolutionPending Supervisor exceptionsTimekeeperMandatoryNotify Supervisors of outstanding exceptions to be reviewed and resolvedNo later than timesheet deadline day
HIP_TL_TIME_90_DAYS_PRIORDisplays any reported time prior to 90 days of the current date.TimekeeperOptionalIntended to help Timekeepers display all older time reported to ensure accuracy.
HIP_TL_TIME_COMMENTSPulls all EE comments associated to Time and LeaveTimekeeperMandatoryEnsure time requested is compliant with Collective Bargaining Unit Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_TIME_IN_PROCESSTo review time that will load for payroll processingApproved and Estimated TimeTimekeeperMandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor or make changes on timesheet if requiredBefore Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_TIME_IN_PROCESS_ALLReview all time that is in process in all statuses.TimekeeperFrozen Date (AKA date that time has been processed)MandatoryReview for any inaccurate time reported. Contact employee or supervisor, or make changes on timesheet if required.Before Timesheet Deadline
HIP_TL_TIME_TAKEN_BY_PAYENDTo review the time Taken by Payroll and processed by pay end dateTime Taken in Specific Pay PeriodTimekeeperID and Pay End Date. Note, as example, to see what time was taken during 4/20/21 check processing, for ATF employee use 03/31/21 and for LAG employee use 04/15/21 as the pay end date.OptionalAny time audit purposesDay after approval deadline

Key terminology to know:

Status Code Description
Needs Approval (NA) Time must be approved before it can be sent to a payroll system.
Approved (AP) Approved payable time can be sent to Payroll.
Taken (TP) Time that has been accepted by Payroll.

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