How To Donate Leave

Use the HIP system to donate any excess vacation hours you may have to your department leave share bank to be used for co-workers in need.

Watch a video on how to donate excess vacation hours to your department leave share bank here:


1. Login to the HIP portal and navigate to the NavBar in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

2. Click on the compass icon.

3. Navigate to Menu > Self Service > Leave Transfer Requests > Donate Leave Request.

4. You will be taken to the Request to Donate Leave screen.  Your department (program) name will automatically be selected from the drop-down menu.  Under the Leave Contribution section, select Vacation Entitlement from the drop-down menu in the From Entitlement column.  Under the Balance column, you will see your available hours to donate and under the Hours to Donate column, you may enter the amount of hours you would like to donate to your department leave share bank.  Please use whole hours, not fractions of hours.

5. Scroll down to the comment field, if you would like to donate hours to a specific employee, you may enter their name here.  Under the Acknowledgement and Compliance section, click on the check box to confirm you understand and comply with the requirements to submit a leave share donation.  Then click on the Submit button.


Click here to find your Time or Leave Keeper.


How To Request A Leave Share Donation

How To Submit A Leave Request

How To Cancel A Leave Request

How To Change A Leave Request

How To Submit An Extended Absence Request

Last Updated: August 31, 2022

Tags: Leave Share Donation, Excess Leave, Vacation Donation