Manage your Tax Withholding Choices

Manage your tax withholdings in HIP using the Tax Withholding tile

Tax Withholding


NOTE: Effective 1/6/2020, the State of Hawaii has updated HIP’s W-4 form to comply with new IRS requirements for 2020.  No action is required for employees who have already completed their W-4 prior the change, unless they wish to make a change starting in 2020.  Changes to the State form HW-4 do not necessitate updating the federal W-4 form.  New employees hired/re-hired on or after 1/1/2020 must complete the new W-4 form. Note that the 2020 IRS W-4 form no longer offers withholding allowances (e.g. 0, 1, 2, etc.) and the form requires calculation of particular dollar values. Once a W-4 is completed, the employee’s pay statement will reflect N/A on the “Fed Withholding” line.


Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Tax Withholding Changes with the IRS’ new 2020 W-4 and State HW-4

This feature is available from a computer connected to the State of Hawaii’s computer network. This feature allows you to manage both your Federal and State tax withholdings. For help with withholdings, consult a tax professional and/or use State and Federal resources such as the Federal FAQs. When you make a change to your tax withholding choices, your changes will become effective on the next pay period the State processes your pay.

Per IRS guidelines, if an employee does not update their tax withholding choices, the State will default their tax marital status to “single” with nothing additional withheld. Therefore, it is very important for new employees to make their tax withholding choices in HIP as soon as possible.

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