Using The Create And Maintain Absence Requests Screen

The Create and Maintain Absence Requests screen is available to Leave Keepers and HR Admins.  It is used to view, submit, edit, or cancel regular absence requests on behalf of your employees. 

This is separate from the Administer Extended Absences screen, which is generally maintained by HR.  You may be able to view some extended absence requests, but you will not be able to enter or maintain extended absences from the Create and Maintain Absence Requests screen. 

IMPORTANT: When using Create and Maintain Absence Requests, please be aware of the following as they may result in processing errors and/or data inaccuracies. 

– Do not delete existing absence requests unless instructed to do so. 

– Do not overwrite existing absence requests appearing in the Absence Requests section. 

– Do not work on an absence request if the Status is “Pending”.

– After clicking the “Forecast” button, check forecasting results on the Forecast tab. 

– Remember to clear or update any saved From/Through Date search parameters in the search section at the top of the screen.  NOTE: It is not recommended to save any searches because it will override the default From/Through Date parameters which are 3 months before and 3 months after the current date.

Click the following link to view a detailed Create and Maintain Absence Requests screen job aid.

To access a list of all leave entries existing in system based for any status per date range chosen for all employees user has access to, run HIP_TL_ALL_ENTERED_LV_BY_DTRNG. This query has been updated to include an optional prompt to select a specific Absence Name. You can download and further filter by the Reason.


1. Login to the HIP portal and navigate to the NavBar in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. 

2. Click on the compass icon.

3. Navigate to Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Maintain Absences > Create and Maintain Absences.



1. Expand the Search section at the top of the screen by clicking on the carrot icon next to the word “Search”.

2. Define parameters for the From/Through Dates and EMPL ID to find existing leave request and click the “Search” button. Note: You will receive an error message if the request date you are trying to input does not fall within the range of dates inputted here.

3. Scroll down to see the search results listed in the Absence Requests section.


During forecasting the HIP system will determine if an employee has enough sick or vacation balance to cover a leave request.  This is based on existing leave requests the employee has and their entitlements.  If the employee does not have a sufficient sick or vacation balance, their request will need to be adjusted or the system may generate LWOP.  NOTE: HIP considers saved leave requests during the forecasting process.  Please make sure all saved requests are submitted or deleted to ensure accurate forecasting.


1. In this case, a vacation request for 40 hours from 10/24/22 – 10/28/22 was entered on the Create and Maintain Absence Requests screen.  Prior to submitting, the leave request was forecasted.

2. To view forecasting results, click on the “Forecast” tab of the Absence Requests section.  In this case, we can see the employee has an available vacation balance of 28 hours and the Forecast Value is “INELIGIBLE”.  This means the employee does not have enough to cover the 40-hour vacation request from 10/24/22 – 10/28/22 and this request must be adjusted.


How To Submit Leave Requests For Your Employees

How To Submit Partial Day Leave Requests For Your Employees

How To Change Existing Leave Requests For Your Employees

How To Cancel Existing Leave Requests For Your Employees

Administrative Time Off

Last Updated: October 19, 2023   

Tags: Create and Maintain Absence Requests