How To Adjust Employee Compensatory Time (Comp Time) Balances

Use the HIP system to adjust employee Comp Time balances through the Time and Labor WorkCenter, Team Time, or NavBar. 

Comp Time can be used in lieu of paying overtime and is considered a type of time as opposed to a type of leave.  Timekeepers are responsible for monitoring employee Comp Time balances as well as assisting with balance adjustments and entering transactions for employees without access to a computer, or who otherwise need assistance entering their time through their Timesheets. 

Click here to view a helpful article on how to view employee Comp Time balances. 

From an employee’s Timesheet, use the TRC from the list below to increase or reduce their Comp Time balances.  NOTE: The TRC may look different depending on which BU the employee is in.  Timesheets can be found by navigating through the Time and Labor WorkCenter, Team Time or NavBar. 

Click here to view a helpful article on the different ways to navigate to Timekeeper screens.

Comp Time Adjustment

(Use to increase/reduce Comp Time balances)

TRC Description Time Entry/Action Result
CTFEA Adjust Earned Comp Time (Federal) Enter a positive number Increase Federal Comp Time balance
CTFTA Adjust Take Comp Time (Federal) Enter a positive number Reduce Federal Comp Time balance
CTZEA Adjust Earned Comp Time (State) Enter a positive number Increase State Comp Time balance
CTZTA Adjust Take Comp Time (State) Enter a positive number Reduce State Comp Time balance

Comp Time Earn/Take

(Use if employee earns/takes Comp Time)

TRC Description Time Entry/Action Result
CTFRQ Earn Comp Time (Federal) Enter a positive number Increase Federal Comp Time balance
CTFTF FMLA Take Comp Time (Federal) Enter a positive number Reduce Federal Comp Time balance (FMLA)
CTFTH HFLL Take Comp Time (Federal) Enter a positive number Reduce Federal Comp Time balance (HFLL)
CTFTK Take Comp Time (Federal) Enter a positive number Reduce Federal Comp Time balance
CTZRQ Earn Comp Time (State) Enter a positive number Increase State Comp Time balance
CTZTF FMLA Take Comp Time (State) Enter a positive number Reduce State Comp Time balance (FMLA)
CTZTH HFLL Take Comp Time (State) Enter a positive number Reduce State Comp Time balance (HFLL)
CTZTK Take Comp Time (State) Enter a positive number Reduce State Comp Time balance

Comp Time Travel

(Use if employee earns/takes Comp Time – Travel)

TRC Description Time Entry/Action Result
TRVEA Adjust Earned Comp Time (Travel) Enter a positive number Increase Travel Comp Time balance
TRVEA Adjust Earned Comp Time (Travel) Enter a negative number Reduce Travel Comp Time balance


1. From the employee’s Timesheet, you can adjust the view (i.e. view Timesheet by Pay Period, Week or Day and select a date range) as well as advance the Timesheet forward and backwards in time, select the previous/next employee’s Timesheet.  NOTE: The employee’s Timesheet template will default to either Punch Time (hourly) or Elapsed (salaried) depending on the type of employee.

2. Select one of the Comp Time adjustment TRC to increase or reduce employee Comp Time balances and add the adjustment hours on the appropriate dates.  Click the “Submit” button when ready to submit the Comp Time adjustments.

(Time and Labor WorkCenter or NavBar)

Select one of the Comp Time adjustment TRC to increase or reduce employee Comp Time balances and add the adjustment hours on the appropriate dates.  Click the “Submit” button when ready to submit the Comp Time adjustments.

(Team Time)

Team TIme dashboard view

3. It is recommended to add comments to Comp Time balance adjustments for reference.  You can do this by clicking on the comment bubble icons on the employee’s Timesheet.

(Time and Labor WorkCenter or NavBar)

Reported time status table. Find the add comments icons

TR comments modal. Enter/edit the comment.

(Team Time)

Enter time table, click bubble icon to see the comments

Time Reporting comments table with comments entered.

Click here to view and download a quick reference guide for Comp Time balance adjustments and also here for a quick reference guide for Comp Time balance adjustments for Travel.


How To Transfer Employee Comp Time Balances Between BUs

Last Updated: May 5, 2023    

Tags: Compensatory Time, Comp Time, CTO, Adjust Employee Comp Time Balances