Records Retention and Disposition Schedules

The Archives Division, Records Management Branch provides records advisory services to agencies of the executive branch, which are subject to Section 94-3, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes. The Branch develops and revises record retention and disposition schedules for the State Comptroller’s approval. These records schedules identify the minimum amount of time specific records shall be maintained and their final disposition.

General Records Schedule
The General Records Schedules No. 1-11, 2002, Revised 5/06 are retention and disposition schedules for common records, such as personnel, accounting, and administrative records series used by most agencies. The Records Management Branch also assists in developing retention and disposition schedules for records that are unique to a particular agency.
General Records Schedule Note: Schedule Nos. 4 and 9 superseded, see below
GRS No. 4 Accounting: Payroll Records Revised 5/2020
GRS No. 9 Security and Protective Services Records Revised 12/2020

Records Retention Schedules for Specific Agencies of the Executive Branch
Department of Accounting and General Services Revised 6/2018
Department of Agriculture Revised 5/2018
Department of the Attorney General Revised 8/2020
Department of Budget and Finance Revised 8/2020
Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism Revised 8/2020
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Revised 8/2020
Department of Education Added 4/2018
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
Department of Health (Partial) Revised 10/2019
Developmental Disabilities Council
Office of Environmental Quality Control
Family Health Services Division (FHSD)
Women, Infant & Children (WIC) Services Branch
Disease Outbreak Control Division (DOCD)
Immunization Branch Added 10/2019
Department of Human Resources Development
Department of Human Services Revised 5/2018
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Revised 12/2022
Department of Land and Natural Resources Added 5/2018
Department of Public Safety
Department of Taxation
Department of Transportation Added 5/2018
Office of the Lieutenant Governor