Testing Phase – Core Payroll System Test. Successfully Completed!

Prior to converting our current manual processes using an old mainframe system to the new PeopleSoft computer-based system, many testing cycles will occur to ensure the new system works correctly. The first major testing phase – core payroll system tests – has been completed.Checklist

These tested payroll calculations in a separate test environment, in two different rounds for comparison. The results compared the pay information of all state employees, to identify any differences in three specific categories: earnings, deductions, and taxes. The results of the tests – successes, false positives, and errors – have been shared with departments, agencies, and jurisdictions. The false positives were expected differences because of the increased level of accuracy of the PeopleSoft program or a factor that would not occur in the live environment, as opposed to the test environment. The results also showed errors that were due to the way the data was converted from the legacy system and programming errors. These errors have since been be corrected. With successful completion of the core system testing, the project has taken a large step forward toward implementation.

Read more in the February 2018 edition of HawaiiPay News.

In this edition…