How To Make Changes To Employee Leave

Use the HIP system to cancel or pushback leave requests on behalf of your employees from the Manager Self-Service (MSS) screen.

HIP has the flexibility so that employees can make changes to their leave, your local Leave Keeper and supervisors can also make changes too.  Here’s some guidance on how to handle changes to employee leave, depending on the status or circumstances of the employee’s request.  NOTE: These diagrams are written from the perspective of the supervisor initiating the transaction, as opposed to the employee or their Leave Keeper.


Supervisors may cancel a previously approved leave request for an employee if it is not valid or if changes need to be made.  Once the leave request is canceled, the employee or their Leave Keeper may edit the canceled request and resubmit it for approval again if necessary. 

See the steps below to learn how to cancel and existing leave request on behalf of an employee.  


1. Login to the HIP portal and navigate to your system role in the upper left-hand corner.

2. Click on the Manager Self Service option from the drop-down menu and from the MSS screen, click on the Team Time tile.

3. From the Team Time screen, click on the Cancel Absences option from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

4. A list of your employees will appear, click on an employee to cancel an absence on behalf of.  NOTE: If you do not see an employee on the available list, click the carrot icon next to the Find Team Member header to expand the search options.  Additionally, if your direct report also has employees that report to them, they will have a clickable link below their Name/Job Title that will take you to an available list of those employees to select from as well. 

5. After selecting an employee to cancel an absence on behalf of, select the absence to cancel from the list of results. 

6. Review the Absence Details and confirm this is the request you would like to cancel. 

7. Select the reason Not Valid from the Cancel Reason drop-down menu. 

8. Enter any Comments as a brief explanation for cancelling the request.

9. Click the Cancel Absence button when you are ready to cancel the absence request.

10. Notice the absence request has now been removed from the employee's history of past leave requests that are available to cancel.


Supervisors may pushback a pending leave request if it is not correct and changes need to be made.  The employee or their Leave Keeper may then edit the request and resubmit for approval. 

See the steps below to learn how to pushback employee leave requests. 


1. Login to the HIP portal and navigate to your system role in the upper left-hand corner.

2. Click on the Manager Self Service option from the drop-down menu and from the MSS screen, click on the Approvals tile.

3. A list of your pending approvals will appear, click on the leave request you would like to review.

4. On the Absence Request screen, review the Absence Details and Requester Comments to determine if the request needs to be reworked. 

5. Click on the Pushback button when ready to push the absence request back to the employee for adjustment and resubmittal. 

6. Add any Approver Comments as a brief explanation of why the request is being pushed back to the employee and click the Submit button.

7. You will be taken back to your Pending Approvals, notice the pushed back leave is no longer showing in your list.

Click here to view a business process about changing employee leave requests.


Click here to find your Time or Leave keeper.


How To Request Leave For Your Employees

Introduction To Time & Leave (T&L) Manager Self-Service (MSS)

How To Approve Time and Leave Requests

Last Updated: May 05, 2023

Tags: Cancel Employee Leave, Cancel Employee Absence, Supervisor Cancels Leave, Supervisor Cancels Absence, Pushback Leave, Supervisor Pushes Back Leave