Supplemental Report Due January 31, 2025 for Candidates

The next report due for Candidates is the Supplemental Report covering the period November 6, 2024 through December 31, 2024 for candidates who ran in the 2024 election or July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 for candidates who did not run in the 2024 election.  The Supplemental Report with the applicable reporting period has been added to your reporting schedule in the Candidate Filing System and must be electronically filed on this system no later than 11:59 p.m. Hawaiian Standard Time on Friday, January 31, 2025.

The fine for not filing the Supplemental Report by the due date, if assessed, shall not exceed $50 per day for the first seven days, beginning with the day after the due date of the report, and shall not exceed $200 per day thereafter; provided that in aggregate, the fine shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the total amount of contributions or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the report; and the minimum fine for a report filed more than four days after the due date, if assessed, shall be $200.

Candidates and treasurers of candidate committees are also reminded of their acknowledgment and certification on the “Candidate Committee Electronic Filing Form” that the information on all reports electronically filed online are true, complete, and accurate.  See, Hawaii Revised Statutes §§11-321(c)(1), 11- 331(a), and 11-340(a).

Please call the Commission at (808) 586-0285 if you have any questions.  Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 7:45 am to 4:30 pm, Hawaiian Standard Time, and we are closed on regular state holidays.

**Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view the two (2) lists below.**

List #1 of 2

The following candidates are required to file the Supplemental Report covering the period November 6, 2024 through December 31, 2024 (228 total):

Acasio, Laura
Acquintas, Lorien
Adam, Scott
Ahuna, Daniel
Aiu, Micah
Aki, Z. Kaapana
Akina, William
Alameda, Kimo
Alapa, Luana
Alcos, David
Alm, Steve
Amato, Terez
Anderson, Brittany
Anderson, Jillian
Apilado, Abraham
Apo, Peter
Aquino, Henry
Awa, Brenton
Aynessazian, Tanya
Azinga, P.M.
Baclaan, Isaiah
Balinbin, Ernest
Bautista, Blaine
Beekman, Patricia
Belatti, Della
Blangiardi, Rick
Boone, Nara
Bulosan, Addison
Burns, Caryl
Caravalho, Ernest
Carvalho, Bernard
Cermelj, Hope
Chang, Kelton
Choi, John
Christian, Wallyn
Chun, Cory
Clark, John
Clark, Linda
Clemente, Mark
Cochran, Elle
Codelia, Edward
Connelly, Timothy
Cook, Thomas
Cordero, Radiant
Cowden, Felicia
Crabbe, Cross
Cruz, Jocelyn
Cummings, Sherri
Dabbs, Shotaro
Daily, Asheemo
Dalhouse, Tim
DeCoite, Lynn
DeCorte, Samantha
DeCosta, Bill
DesMarais, Ana-Lucia
DeSoto, Desire
Dicks, Karl
Dupio, Gaius II
Elefante, Brandon
Eli, Stacelynn
Emosi, Faifaiese Jr.
Evans, Cindy
Evslin, Luke
Fogel, Frederick
Forrest, James
Gabriel, Daniel
Galimba, Michelle
Ganaden, Ernesto
Garcia, Diamond
Garcia, Reginald
Garrett, Andrew
Gates, Cedric
Grandinetti, Tina
Haliniak, Gayla
Hashem, Mark
Hashimoto, Troy
HewLen, Zahz
Ho, Keikilani
Holland, Fern
Holt, Daniel
Hooker, George
Hussey, Ikaika
Hussey-Burdick, Natalia
Hustace, James
Ichiyama, Linda
Ilagan, Greggor
Imamura, Jeffrey
Inaba, Holeka
Inouye, Ken
Inouye, Lorraine
Iwamoto, Kim Coco
Jauch, Michael
Johnson, Dan
Johnson, Gabriel
Jones, Kyle
Kaapu, Carole
Kaaumoana, Taylor
Kagawa, Ross
Kagiwada, Jennifer
Kahaloa, Kirstin
Kahele, Kaiali’i
Kailiawa-Smith, Ikaika
Kama, Natalie
Kamekona, Carol
Kanahele, Kiana
Kanealii-Kleinfelder, Matthew
Kaneshiro, Arryl
Kanuha, Dru
Kapela, Jeanne
Kauahikaua, David
Kawaauhau, Larry
Keohokalole, Jarrett
Kiaaina, Esther
Kidani, Michelle
Kierkiewicz, Ashley
Kila, Darius
Kimball, Heather
King, Kelly
Kitagawa, Lisa
Kobayashi, Breeani
Kong, Samuel
Kualii, KipuKai
La Chica, Mae Patricia
Lamosao, Rachele
Lee Loy, Susan
Lee, Alice
Lee, Brendon
Lee, Michael
Like, Rebecca
Lim, Margaret
Lindsey, Laura
Logue, James
Lowen, Nicole
Macaraeg, Gabby
Madison, Sylvie
Makuaole-Perrin, Chantel
Marten, Lisa
Martin, Austin
Martinez, Rosebella
Matayoshi, Scot
Matsumoto, Lauren
McCurley, Frankie
McKelvey, Angus
Medeiros, Sheila
Miyake, Tyson
Mizuno, May
Montgomery, Joshua
Moore, Wesley
Moranz, David
Morikawa, Daynette
Moriwaki, Sharon
Muraoka, Chris
Nakamura, Nadine
Nakanelua, Kelsey
Napoleon, Gary
Nelson, Jacquelyn
Nishimoto, Scott
Olds, Ikaika
Onishi, Dennis
Oyama, Ashley
Ozawa, Alexander
Paltin, Tamara
Paris, Anthony
Pele, John Tau Tau
Penn, Jay
Perreira, Monique
Perruso, Amy
Pierick, Elijah
Poepoe, Mahinamalamalama
Quinlan, Sean
Rahman, Inam
Rapozo, Melvin
Rawlins-Fernandez, Keani
Reyes Oda, Julie
Richards, Herbert
Robinson, Kaloa
Robotti, Paul
Rodenhurst, Ikaika
Rosenlee, Corey
Ross, Ian
Roth, Mitchell
Ryan, Rita
Saiki, Scott
Savage, Jeremiah
Savaiinaea, Teri
Sayama, Jackson
Schultz, Brendan
Seashell, Joelle
Shafer, Benjamin
Shimizu, Garner
Sinenci, Shane
Soares, Ranson
Solomon, Corinne
Souza, Kanani
Sugimura, Yuki
Svrcina, Emil
Takayama, Gregg
Takenouchi, Jenna
Tam, Adrian
Tarnas, David
Taylor, Haylie
Templo, Shirley
Teruya, Patricia
Thomas, Bart
Todd, Christopher
Tolentino, Aaron
Torres, Sysha-Marie
Tulba, Augusto
Tupai, Seaula (Jr Tupai)
Tupola, Andria
Turalde, Leomana
Ubando, Josiah
Ulufanua, Christian
Uu-Hodgins, Nohelani
Valdez, Nancy
Villegas, Rebecca
Walker, Sheila
Waltjen, Kelden
Ward, Gene
Wilbur, Tiana
Wilkinson, Jennifer
Wilson, Kanoa
Wong, Kevan
Woodson, Justin
Yadao, Summer
Yago, Clint
Yamashita, Kyle
Yoder, Steve

List #2 of 2

The following candidates are required to file the Supplemental Report covering the period July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 (228 total):

Abercrombie, Neil
Agsalda, Aaron
Ahia, Noelani
Aiona, Joseph
Akaka, Kalei
Akao, Alan
Aki, Jacob
Ako, Julian
Alameda, Darcy
Allen, Julia
Amemiya, Keith
Arakaki, Tracy
Araki, Josiah
Arianoff, Gregory
Arianoff, Kimberly
Armstrong, Dylan
Armstrong, Robert
Baker, Rosalyn
Barca, Dustin
Batangan, Kelson
Bell, Cullan
Berg, Thomas
Bissen, Richard
Bondera, Colehour
Bonk, Keiko
Bradshaw, Jason
Bridges, Christopher
Brower, Tom
Bukoski, Kika
Bunda, Robert
Burke, Jackie
Burlew, Lloyd
Cachola, Romy
Carroll, Claire
Cayetano, Vicky
Chang, Dickie
Chang, Stanley
Chen, Wayne
Chinen, Jon
Ching, Corinne
Chock, Sr., Mason
Chung, Aaron
Clement, Jane
Clemente, Roger
Coakley, Jeffrey
Cordery, Gary
Creagan, Richard
Crouse, Zandra
Cuaresma, Thora-Jean
Cullen, Jamaica
Cullen, Sy
Dela Cruz, Donovan
DeNaie, Lucienne
Doran, Charmaine
Dos Santos-Tam, Tyler
English, Kalani
Espero, Jason
Eyre, Aja
Fale, Richard
Farm, Kendrick
Fevella, Kurt
Fidelibus, Christopher
Ford, Lori
Forsyth, Shaina
Freitas, Makai
Fukumoto, Beth
Fukumoto, Elton
Fukunaga, Carol
Gabbard, Mike
Galeai, Noe
Galuteria, Brickwood
Gardner, Becky
Garidan Prieto, Jolyn
Ghean, Kay
Goeas, Lori
Golojuch, Michael
Goodwin, Travis
Green, Josh
Gueso, Janie
Halperin, Susan
Han, Martin
Hannemann, Mufi
Har, Sharon
Hazama, Dean
Ho, Erik
Hocker, Jordan
Hokama, Riki
Hoohuli, Shaena
Hooser, Dylan
Hopkins, Jeremy
Hudson, Anna
Ihara, Les
Ing, Mark
Iseri, Shaylene
Johanson, Aaron
Jordan, Jo
Kaleikula, Robert
Kalima, Grant
Kama-Toth, Kukana
Kanahele, Daniel
Kaneshiro, Keith
Karamatsu, Jon
Kaukani, Chad
Kawakami, Derek
Kay, Alana
Keith-Agaran, Gilbert
Kelley, Rachel
Kim, Donna
King, Samuel
Kinney, Nathaniel
Knox, Robin
Kobayashi, Dale
Kossow, Bronsten-Glenn
Kouchi, Ron
Ku, Tercia
Kusch, Matthias
Lam, Adriel
Lautaha, Veamoniti
Lee, Christopher
Lee, Marilyn
Lewman, Clyde
Lindsey, Carmen
Lion, Jonah
Low, Jeremy
Luke, Sylvia
Lum Ho, Gregory
Lum Lee, Christopher-Travis
Mack, Lono
Maglinti, Austin
Mahiai, Randal
Maldonado, Celestine
Malish, Ryan
Mandado, Ryan
Mano, Matthew
Martinez, Troy
Marumoto, Ricky
Marzo, Shelson
Mathieu, Victoria
Matson, Shannon
Matsushita, David
McMackin, Devin
McPeek, Mitch
Menor-McNamara, Sherry
Mesta, Dion
Miller, Dennis
Misalucha, Bennette
Mizuno, John
Moepono, Sesnita
Molina, Michael
Morita, Maurice
Morrison, Bethany
Naauao-Ota, Chance
Nadamoto, Dwight
Nakoa, Kaleo
Naniole, Alexander
Nara, Kanzo
Nobriga, Buddy James
Odom, Anna
Oi, Thomas
Okimoto, Val
Onishi, Richard
Oquendo, Cherie
Ozawa, Trevor
Paikai, Landen
Palacat-Nelsen, Shane
Parker, Rory
Parrish, Michael
Pascua, Benizon
Patel, Sne
Peralta, Samuel
Perry, Darryl
Peters, Wilson
Poai, Michael
Pontanilla, Joseph
Pouha, Feki
Ready, Boyd
Rhoads, Karl
Richey, Shawn
Ritte, Walter
Rodden, Benton
Ross, Karlen
Rothman, Makuakai
Roversi, Adam
Ryan, Pohai
Rzonca, Cheryl
Sakai, Benjamin
San Buenaventura, Joy
Say, Calvin
Secretario, Rachel
Shimabukuro, Maile
Simon, Keone
Smart, Mary
Souza, Kapono
Souza, Keoni
Swindell, Lyle
Takeuchi, Nathan
Talaeai, Mark
Tengan, Michael
Texeira, Alan
Texeira, Theresa
Thurston, Kathleen
Toafili, Chris
Toguchi, Traci
Tokioka, James
Tsuneyoshi, Chad
Tsuneyoshi, Earl
Tupai, Helen
Turbin, Derek
Victorino, Michael
Vidinha, Harold
Villaruz, Danny
Waihee, Jennifer
Waihee, John
Wakai, Glenn
Wang, Valerie
Waters, Tommy
Wehrsig, Timothy
Weinert, Eric
Weyer, Matt
White, John
Wilson, Kevin
Wolke, Chad
Wong, Christopher
Yago, Reginald
Yagong, Dominic
Yamane, Ryan
Yoshimoto, J
Zibakalam, Emmanuel