Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where is the Parking Office located?
    869-A Punchbowl Street, between Queen and Halekauwila Street adjacent to the Transportation Building.  Parking is available in the loading zone or public parking in Makai Garage.
  2. What do I need to add on a second car?
    Submit copies of car registration, no-fault insurance, and driver’s license with a written request.
  3. How can I transfer from open to covered parking?
    Check with your departmental parking coordinator for the wait list and quota for availability of space.
  4. Can I rent or lend my stall while I’m on vacation?
    No, only when the person using stall is on temporary assignment to assignee’s position.  A request needs to be submitted in writing through the departmental parking coordinator and forwarded to the Automotive Management Division Chief for approval.
  5. Can I get two gate cards?
    No, only one gate card is issued per assignee, for security & control purposes.
  6. What do I need to do to cancel my parking?
    Submit a written notice of cancellation twenty (20) days in advance of the cancel date to the Parking Control Office.
  7. How can we obtain parking for contractors?
    Temporary parking can be provided if the Contractor submits a request in writing to the Automotive Management Division Chief with the following information:
    Length of contract with the department
    Number of vehicles requiring permits
    Job location
  8. What happens to my parking when I’m on extended leave without pay?
    If you are on leave without pay for longer than a pay period your parking will be cancelled unless you continue to pay in advance.

    Can mail in payment to:
    DAGS – Automotive Management Division
    Parking Control Branch
    P.O. Box 119
    Honolulu, Hawaii  96810-0119