Office of the Comptroller

Meoh-Leng Silliman
Deputy Comptroller

Keith A. Regan
Under the general direction of the Governor of the State of Hawaiʻi, the Comptroller plans, directs and coordinates the various activities of the department within the scope of laws and established policies and regulations.
- Recommends departmental policies and organizations for approval of the Governor and after approval directs their implementation.
- Recommends administrative rules, regulations and procedures governing the conduct of department activities.
- Directs and maintains program planning, evaluation activities and management improvement services.
- Directs the preparation of department and program budgets, submits and justifies budgets before review and approving authorities, and exercises control of funds made available for the department.
- Represents the department before the Legislature and community and public groups.
- Maintains effective working relationships between the department and the Governor, Legislature, other government officials and the general public.
- Exercises leadership, guidance and control of the efforts of employees toward the achievement of department objectives.
- Directs personnel management of the department and serves as the department appointing authority.
- Conducts periodic staff meetings of top program executives and staff; establishes procedures for communication between the office of the comptroller and subordinate units.
- Provides administrative assistance to the Kamehameha Day Celebration Commission.