Posted on Dec 17, 2024 in Main

Blood drive at DAGS

DEC. 13, 2024

Dozens of state workers supported the Blood Bank of Hawai’i at a blood drive on Friday. For the first time ever, two state agencies set up a friendly contest to see who could donate the most pints of blood. In the end, they tied- each department yielding 39 pints.

On Friday, the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS) held its event in its Kalanimoku Building. On Wednesday, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) held its drive.

“We are so appreciative of those who give back to our community in a very impactful and immediate way,” said Kim-Anh Nguyen, CEO and President of Blood Bank of Hawaii. “How often is it that you can save someone’s life? Your blood donation this holiday season will help sustain Hawai’i’s supply, save lives and inspire others.”

The blood bank says it’s critical at this time of year. Blood donations decrease by as much as 20%.

Keith Regan, DAGS Director, donated blood. He explained why his department supports this effort. “During the holiday season there is a great need for blood to be donated to help save lives. This is one way of giving back,” he said.

“Our employees care deeply about the community – that’s one of the reasons they dedicate their careers to government service – and giving blood is another way we can help care for our communities. You never know when you or a loved one may need a blood transfusion,” stated DCCA Director Nadine Ando.