Social Media Archiving is Achievable Webinar

Posted on Oct 5, 2021 in HSA News

Social Media Archiving is AchievableIn Celebration of Archives Month (October) and Electronic Records Day (10/10), Dr. Adam Jansen will discuss the steps Hawai`i State Archives is taking to capture and preserve the official social media accounts of state government. He will also highlight tools the Hawai`i State Archives is using and discuss some of the gaps encountered between the Archives’ legal obligations and the capabilities of social media platforms.

Social media has become an essential part of many people’s lives as a way of sharing our experiences and checking in on our friends and `ohana. It’s become such a casual and pervasive part of our lives that we often forget the business impacts of using social media for work. As creators and managers of information, social media is part of our kuleana. The fact that it is hosted by third-party platforms does not alleviate us of that oversight.

Link to the Social Media Archiving is Achievable PDF flyer

What: Webinar
When: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
1:00-2:00 pm Hawai`i Time
Cost: FREE
Where: Meeting invite with link will be sent to those who RSVP
RSVP: email [email protected] by Friday, Oct. 8
Questions? Call Gina at 808-831-6780